Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Dudher chachhi khaa sorger nagal pa

Dudh is a terrible word for most of the children. I was not an exception, and as usual forcing yourself to drink a HUGE glass full of milk, twice a day used to be a common torture for me. Right from my childhood I used to hate drinking milk and especially used puke it out immediately if the cream has not been removed completely. But one thing I surely used to enjoy is to take the milk from Saraswati Pishi who used to own a cow in our locality. She or her mom, Saraswati'r ma used to get the milk in a copper glass or sometime in a aluminium measuring can with a handle. pachsher, or adha litre, ek pa those were some terms used by them. And sometime when she used to get late I used to go to there house with some elders and she used to milk the cow. That milk used to worm. And everything related to those cows, there rooms were a amtter of delight for me.
Something I used to do without anybodies notice is to take milk in two small gasses and pou them together to unite. I used to think doing so will turn them into CADBARY chocolate as it used to come in the advertisement of dairy Milk chocolate.
And something I really used to enjoy is when thakurma used to make sondesh after thikenning and tightening the milk in the copper kadai ( malsha). Right from chilhood she made me an expert to pull out sandesh using saj ( stone blockes of diferent designs). The smell just used to be yummy..and in that form I think milk is also Yummy.
Chana or cottage cheese, that is another way I used to get tortured with. Ma and thakurma used to tell Baba is so strong because dadubhai used to feed him with a spoonfull of chana every evening. But I used to hate the smell. specially once when I caught Jaundice, ma replaced my glass of milk with chana.
But I still remember, that Ma and Rangama used to steal milk from thakurma's ranna ghor and sometimes batasha from thakurghor and have there great treat in afternoons. It seems I used to complain thakurma bout those as I used to keep an eye on everything and keep thakurma informed about everything going around.
The quality of that milk was gradually degrading. So finally didibhai ( sonama's ma) was al set give away her cow. and baba asked one of his worker Subhas kaku to take incharge of that. only he need to do is to give us a litre or so of nice pure milk and he can do anything with the rest. So we really enjoyed nice pure milk for sometime, but I really used to hate drinking that every evening. BUt what to do..dudher chachhi kha..sarger nagal pa..means if you drink milk, you can grow so tall that u will be able to touch heaven..and everybody dreams to be like that!!!
I really laugh at myself when I look back at those sweet milky days..after all the colour of my dreams were also white the..clouded with white wonders.

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