Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tei ka tei

My mom wanted to see all her childhood wishes getting fulfilled by me. It seems it was her wish to learn singing and dance. But due to different reasons all those could not happen. As well one of her big dream was that her daughter should study in Shishu bihar school. So the first one took shape as soon I cleared the admissiono test of nursery. To her the others were also not that tough as she put me to a dance school and my cousin mani didi became my music teacher. And she also appointed a lady to teach me paintings. Little did she knew that to appoint teacher is not the end of everything. The most difficult job was to manage her own little daughter who was according to her dad ' nonir putul lotor potor'. I mean even if anybody used to touch me without my wish, I used to start crying. I was so moody that, if anybody used to take my pillow and it used to get warm by touch, I used to start crying ' gororm kore niyecho, thanda kore deo'. So whenever I used to feel, it is not very interesting for the day to go to the dance class, which was in our neighbour only, I used to go and complain thakurma, that my legs are paining ans still ma is asking me to go for dance classes. And if further Ma used to force me to go there, thakurma used to scold Ma.
I specially used to hate all those classes when Dadabhai and Boney dada, Sona all used to come to agartala for there vacations. I still remember, when boney dada used to come, once in a while we both used to steal money from thakurma's bag ( and ofcourse we used to tell everything to het later) which used be there in one korner of thakurrma's alna in the store room. The amount we scold never used to exceed one or two rupees. We used to start planning right from the noon, and we used to get our operation done before evening. Then evening we used to eagerly wait when amulya kaku will open his shop. That tong dokan in the corner of ramnagar, was nothing less then a place of delight. the sight of the jars full of orange chocolates, melody chocolate, poppins, chatpat, hajmola, packets of maggie what not. I used to dream what more one can dream in life if one get all those inside the shop together for oneself as a gift.
So one day we stole or got money from somebody and as usual I started telling ma I will bunk my dance class that day. But somehow she managed to send me for the class. Now what she din't noticed is that Boney dada also followed me for the class and he hide himself somewhere there itself in the dance school. That day while dancing I was facing the window and my teacher, Ajanta aunty was sitting keeping her back to that window. She was teaching me a typical bharat natyam dance called 'tei ka tei'. During the first 'tei' u have to move your hand inwards moving your hand nine degree down fromthe axis if you keep your fore arm straight folded towards your shoulder, during 'ka' it will make an angle of 180 degree and go outside and during the last 'tei' you will have to again move the hand inwards with a reverse 180 degree angle. the legs will have movemnet accordingle. So now comming to the funniest part, that day, as soon I started practising the dance, boney dada stood behind the window and he was showing me that one rupee note. I felt like taking that and I was streching my hands towards the window instead of moving it on the sides. Ajanta aunty could not understand what is happening as it is impossible to make same mistake repeatedly. And everytime she was looking outside , Boney dada was hiding himself sitting below the window level. Atlast she started scolding me and might be boney dada felt bad and he screamed, Dona dont worry, i wont use the money without you and he came back home. To my much reliefe Ajanta aunty understood what happened and I started practicing with a free mind. Though I attenede those classes not for long, but I still remember, I really picked up dance with one song very nicely..'sheether hawae laglo nachon amloki roi dale dale'. I continued with music classes till mani didi got married and then all of a sudden somebody inculcated in my mom's head that it is important to learn classical. So she forced me to join a classical class. Due to my heavy voice and lazy nature to practise and take my voice to those curves wha really a difficult task for me. I wrot and cleared several years until finally one day she really gave up forcing me further., But I really used to enjoy and still enjoy singing Rabindra sangeet, though I pick them up listening to songs and I enjoy singing them. I dont know if at all what i sing is at all audible or not, but it is true I enjoy singing atleast for my own delight. And I really enjoy when Anka is around as we both have some common numbers that we like to sing together like ' ei monihar amay nahi shaaaaje', ' tomar khola hawae' and Kusume kusume charan chinho diye jao, seshe daao dao muche, ohe choncholoooo, bela na jete, khela keno tobo jae ghuche..haeeeee'.
And among all the three what I thoroughly enjoyed was my drawing classes. As I was lucky enough to get an ofbeat teacher. My early days of painting started with pencil sketches..just drawing perfect circles and straight lines. Slowly towards pencil figures based on those shapes. With time and year I became the favourite student of my art er aunty , 'Reena Aunty'. She even became a tenant of our gopinath bari. She used to call me 'Dunny'. With time I even started dreaming of making art my passion and to become an artist. I used to draw whole day, sittingin class, home everywhere. I hardly used to draw with colours and I myself could observe the maturity in my paintings based on shades and everything. My mom always used to repent that inspite of learning art for almost 10 to 11 years I don have certification. But ma, the prizes that I have won wherever I have participated till date( I hardly used to participate in compitetions in school) , the way I have got introduced to how to use right colour in right form, every nitty griity of painting..I a really thankfull to ma for taking me to Reena aunty instead of any general art school. And thanks to 'Reena aunty ' as well for teaching art to me with passion and so much of care. I still miss those sunday classes and long chat while making sketeches. That too in the room in the back side of gopinath bari....

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