Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Grahan...........the eclipse

Solar or lunar eclipse.....Grahan used to create a thrilling effect and fantacy in our mind. It was mainly because there were demons named Rahu and Ketu involved in the story.

In Hindu astrology Rahu and Ketu are known as two invisible planets. They swallow the Sun or the Moon causing either a solar or a lunar eclipse. So this whole story used to thrill us. And the rules was that nobody used to keep any uncovered food as then Rahu Ketu will come and eat that. So on the day of eclipse, we all used to have our supper early and the utensils used to get cleaned much before th eclipse starts. People used to chant the name of god so that they save us from the demons. The whole day used to thrilling that now RAHU KETU is getting ready to eat the SUN or the MOON. We used to have some vacant space in between our kitchen and living rooms in my ancestral house. Considering RAHU KETU should see us we never used to come out of the room only,during the grahan. Every body used to be inside the house waiting for the time when the eclipse will get over.

But as we started growing up, we started realising that , that was just a mythological representation of the actual scietific fact. But today I really miss those thrill and wonder I used o have as a child.

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